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Order Status
Has my order shipped?
  While logged in, go to "My Account > Order Status" to check your order status. You will also receive a shipping confirmation email when your order is shipped.
How do I change quantities or cancel an item in my order?
  Go to "My Account > Order Status" to view orders you have placed. After selecting your order with "View Order", you will see an option to change quantities or edit an item. Please note that once an order has begun processing or has shipped, the order is no longer editable. There may be a delay between shipment of your order and when you receive the tracking information. No tracking information is not an indication that your order has not been shipped.
How do I track my order?
  While logged in, go to "My Account > Order Status" to review and track your order. Your shipping confirmation email also has your tracking information.
My order never arrived.
  Go to "My Account > Order Status" to track your order status. Be sure that all of the items in your order have shipped already. If you order displays your Package Tracking Numbers, check with the shipper to confirm that your packages were delivered. If your packages each show a status of "delivered", please contact customer service for assistance.
An item or part of my item is missing.
  Your order may have been shipped in multiple packages, which may not arrive together. To check whether that is the case, while logged in, go to "My Account > Order Status" and review your order details. The tracking information listed will show how many packages your order has been shipped in. You also should have received a shipping confirmation email with the same tracking information.

If every package listed has been delivered, and you are still missing items or parts, please see our policy for how to contact us.
I received the wrong product.
  If you believe you have received the wrong product, please see our policy on how to contact us for a replacement to be sent to you.
When will my backorder arrive?
  Backordered items are those which we do not currently have in stock, but will ship to you as soon as they are available in one shipment. It is difficult for us to predict when, but typically the longest is 3 months.